Quiz Questions:
1. Diagram the circuitry of a monosynaptic stretch reflex (Patellar tendon tap). Make sure you know what the 1a afferent neuron and the efferent alpha motor neuron do in this reflex.
Kandel: Chapter 35
Video: Monosynaptic Stretch Reflex
Diagram: Monosynaptic Stretch Reflex
2. Diagram the circuitry of a polysynaptic stretch reflex (flexion reflex). Make sure you know what all of the neurons in Figure 35-2 are doing.
Kandel: Chapter 35
Video: Polysynaptic Stretch Reflex
Diagram: Polysynaptic Stretch Reflex
Video: Comparison of Monosynaptic and Polysynaptic Reflexes
3. What is reciprocal inhibition? (NB, this plays a key role in the polysynaptic reflex). Make sure you understand the circuitry of inhibitory interneurons. How does reciprocal inhibition work in voluntary movement?
Kandel: Chapter 35
Video: Reciprocal Inhibition
4. How does top-down control impact reflex pathways? Does this mean that reflexes are modifiable? What is the evidence?
Kandel: Chapter 35
1. Diagram the circuitry of a monosynaptic stretch reflex (Patellar tendon tap). Make sure you know what the 1a afferent neuron and the efferent alpha motor neuron do in this reflex.
Kandel: Chapter 35
Video: Monosynaptic Stretch Reflex
Diagram: Monosynaptic Stretch Reflex
2. Diagram the circuitry of a polysynaptic stretch reflex (flexion reflex). Make sure you know what all of the neurons in Figure 35-2 are doing.
Kandel: Chapter 35
Video: Polysynaptic Stretch Reflex
Diagram: Polysynaptic Stretch Reflex
Video: Comparison of Monosynaptic and Polysynaptic Reflexes
3. What is reciprocal inhibition? (NB, this plays a key role in the polysynaptic reflex). Make sure you understand the circuitry of inhibitory interneurons. How does reciprocal inhibition work in voluntary movement?
Kandel: Chapter 35
Video: Reciprocal Inhibition
4. How does top-down control impact reflex pathways? Does this mean that reflexes are modifiable? What is the evidence?
Kandel: Chapter 35