While the Kandel book is quite excellent, it does not handle the concept of attention very well. As such, we will use a combination of the CHAPTER PROVIDED HERE to review the psychology of attention and a series of articles to gain understanding of the neuroscience of attention.
I will also start by saying while is relatively easy to define attention - there is no agreed upon psychological theory of attention. Further, while there are a wide range of neuroscience studies that examine attention the results of this body of work are very diverse. You will not learn all there is to know about attention here - the hope if for you to gain a decent understanding of the psychological and neuroscience work that has been done in this area.
1. Use the provided chapter to develop a brief understanding of the early filter theories of attention (e.g., Broadbent, 1958). What are the resources theories of attention? For example, single resource theories such as Kahneman (1973) and multiple resources theories such as (Treisman and Davies, 1973).
Video: Selective Attention
Video: Selective Attention Test
2. Studies of neglect (typically following stroke) provide some insight into the neural locus of attention. Here are two studies by Ramachandran and Wang. What do they tell us about the neural locus of attention? Ensure you have an understanding of what neglect is!
Video: Neglect
3. Studies using EEG and specifically the ERP methodology provide some insight into the neural basis of attention. Review this study by Handy. What does this study tell you about attention. Do not get carried way, what is the main observed ERP effect of attention they see when a graspable is viewed? What does this tell you about attention?
Video: Neuroscience of Attention (this one is long)
4. Studies in monkey also provide insight into the neurological basis of attention. Indeed, they parallel the work by Handy and others. Review the study by Reynolds here. What is the principle finding related to attention? Do you see how this relates to the work by Handy? Do you see how this may related to the work by Ramachandran and Wang?
Video: Blindsight
I will also start by saying while is relatively easy to define attention - there is no agreed upon psychological theory of attention. Further, while there are a wide range of neuroscience studies that examine attention the results of this body of work are very diverse. You will not learn all there is to know about attention here - the hope if for you to gain a decent understanding of the psychological and neuroscience work that has been done in this area.
1. Use the provided chapter to develop a brief understanding of the early filter theories of attention (e.g., Broadbent, 1958). What are the resources theories of attention? For example, single resource theories such as Kahneman (1973) and multiple resources theories such as (Treisman and Davies, 1973).
Video: Selective Attention
Video: Selective Attention Test
2. Studies of neglect (typically following stroke) provide some insight into the neural locus of attention. Here are two studies by Ramachandran and Wang. What do they tell us about the neural locus of attention? Ensure you have an understanding of what neglect is!
Video: Neglect
3. Studies using EEG and specifically the ERP methodology provide some insight into the neural basis of attention. Review this study by Handy. What does this study tell you about attention. Do not get carried way, what is the main observed ERP effect of attention they see when a graspable is viewed? What does this tell you about attention?
Video: Neuroscience of Attention (this one is long)
4. Studies in monkey also provide insight into the neurological basis of attention. Indeed, they parallel the work by Handy and others. Review the study by Reynolds here. What is the principle finding related to attention? Do you see how this relates to the work by Handy? Do you see how this may related to the work by Ramachandran and Wang?
Video: Blindsight