clear all; close all; clc; epochMarkers = {'S202','S203'}; % markers in the analysis currentEpoch = [-0.2 0.6]; % epoch size baselinePoints = 100; % number of data points for the baseline artifactCriteria = 100; % maximum artifact difference criteria % load the data EEG = pop_loadbv; % ensure you have channel locations EEG=pop_chanedit(EEG,'lookup','Standard-10-20-Cap81.ced'); % reference the data using TP9 and TP10, channels 63 and 60 referenceChannel = (,:) +,:))/2; = - referenceChannel; % filter the data [b,a] = butter(2,[0.1 30]/(EEG.srate/2)); % define Butterworth filter for counter = 1:size(,1) % filter data by channel and sample,:) = filtfilt(b,a,double(,:))); end % do the notch filter Qfactor = 35; wo = 60/(EEG.srate/2); bw = wo/Qfactor; [b,a] = iirnotch(wo,bw); for counter = 1:size(,1) % filter data by channel and sample,:) = filtfilt(b,a,double(,:))); end % epoch the data EEG = pop_epoch(EEG,epochMarkers,currentEpoch); % baseline correction for trialCounter = 1:size(,3) for channelCounter = 1:size(,1),:,trialCounter) =,:,trialCounter) - mean(,1:baselinePoints,trialCounter)); end end % mark artifacts using a difference criteria artifactDifference = zeros(size(,1),size(,3)); artifactSize = zeros(size(,1),size(,3)); for channelCounter = 1:size(,1) for segmentCounter = 1:size(,3) voltage_max = []; voltage_max = max(,:,segmentCounter)); voltage_min = []; voltage_min = min(,:,segmentCounter)); difference = voltage_max - voltage_min; if difference > artifactCriteria artifactDifference(channelCounter,segmentCounter) = 1; end artifactSize(channelCounter,segmentCounter) = difference; end end artifactTrials = mean(artifactDifference,1); % sort the data into a matrix for ERP analysis for conditionCounter = 1:size(epochMarkers,2) tempData = []; tempCounter = 1; for trialCounter = 1:size(,3) if strcmp(EEG.event(trialCounter).type,epochMarkers(conditionCounter)) & artifactTrials(trialCounter) == 0 tempData(:,:,tempCounter) =,:,trialCounter); tempCounter = tempCounter + 1; end end [fftResults(:,:,conditionCounter),frequencies(:,:,conditionCounter)] = doFFT(tempData,EEG.srate); end % plot some stuff subplot(1,2,1); bar(fftResults(50,1:28,1)); ylim([0 50]); title('Oddball'); subplot(1,2,2); bar(fftResults(50,1:28,2)); ylim([0 50]); title('Control');