function [fftResults,frequencies] = doFFT(data,samplingRate) % doFFT run a fft on EEG data % based on code written by Michael X. Cohen % modified by C. Hassall and O. Krigolson % May 23, 2018 last update % The input data is channels x time x epochs (3 D matrix) % The output data is in power (amplitude squared) % create a Hanning Window to reduce edge artifacts - divide by two to get % half a cosine cycle - the discontinuity from edge artifacts is % because the start and end voltages of the segment are different % Mike Cohen says to turn off the Hanning Window % hanning_window = []; % hanning_window = 0.5 - cos(2*pi*linspace(0,1,length_of_data))/2; % convolute the data with the hanning window % tapered_data = .* hanning_window; % run the fft fftOutput = fft(data,[],2); % determine frequency resolution frequencyResolution = samplingRate / size(data,2); %We want to scale the output of the fft function to be divided by the length of the data submitted because The FFT computation involves a lot of summing over time points, and so dividing by N puts the data back to the scale of the original input. fftOutput = fftOutput/size(data,2); % we want to remove the negative half of the fft output because it is redundant fftOutput = fftOutput(:,1:size(data,2)/2,:); % you take abs of the output of the fft because you want the resultant of the real and imaginary output fftOutput = abs(fftOutput); % you want to you multiply by 2 to ensure that the positive aspect of the fft output has to be corrected for the loss of the negative aspect fftOutput = 2 * fftOutput; % finally, remove the very first value as it is the power at 0 Hz (the DC power) fftOutput(:,1,:) = []; % square the amplitude to get power fftOutput = fftOutput.^2; % Compute the average FFT output for this condition fftResults = squeeze(mean(fftOutput,3)); % create a frequency bin frequencies = frequencyResolution:frequencyResolution:length(fftOutput)*frequencyResolution; end